Busting Martial Arts Myths
Like any other field, martial arts is characterized by a number of myths that must be busted.
Martial Arts Encourages Violence
Many people believe that martial arts encourages violence and bullying. This is a misplaced misconception. In fact, martial arts teaches virtues such as respect, discipline, humility, and peace. It is only those who don’t understand the goal of martial arts that tend to perpetuate this myth.
Martial Arts Is all About Punching and Kicking
Martial arts is a wide field with dozens of genres. Each of these genres involves a number of techniques, which go beyond just kicking and punching. Techniques such as blocking, pushing, pulling, swiping, and many others are common in most genres of martial arts.
Martial Arts Is a Preserve of Certain People
Martial arts can be learned and practiced by anyone, whether male or female, child or adult. The field is structured in such a way that there are skills appropriate for every stage.
Martial Artists Cannot be Defeated by Amateurs
Martial artists are human beings, and there is a limit as to how much they can do in terms of defending themselves. Defeats are synonymous with martial arts.

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